[Obm] MiniG localization

Paweł Tęcza ptecza at uw.edu.pl
Wed Jun 9 15:42:10 CEST 2010

Paweł Tęcza pisze:

> # cd WEB-INF/classes/
> # cp -r fr/ pl
> # vim pl/aliasource/webmail/client/lang/Strings.properties

Please forget about the commands above. I'm quite sure it was very
stupid idea :)

I grepped MiniG again and I found the following files with French

$ cd /usr/share/minig/
$ find . -name \*_fr\*

Probably I should create appropriate files for Polish language. Am I
right? I've just done it, but unfortunately it's not enough... Could you
please give me any hint? :)

Have a nice day!


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