[Obm] MiniG localization

Paweł Tęcza ptecza at uw.edu.pl
Wed Jun 9 12:00:58 CEST 2010

Hello Folks!

I would like to have Polish version of MiniG. I know that your cool
webmail is a work in progress, but I hope it's possible right now :)

At first I've successfully added support for Polish language (flag and
translation of some strings) to OBM using hints from OBM-LANG-HOWTO
document. Next I've done very similar job for MiniG:

# cd /usr/share/minig/
# cp WebmailUI.en.html WebmailUI.pl.html
# vim WebmailUI.pl.html

    <!-- Force Polish on this one -->
    <meta name="gwt:property" content="locale=pl"/>

# cd WEB-INF/classes/
# cp -r fr/ pl
# vim pl/aliasource/webmail/client/lang/Strings.properties

Finally I restarted MiniG backend and OBM Tomcat:

# /etc/init.d/minig-backend restart
# /etc/init.d/obm-tomcat restart

Unfortunately I still can see English version of MiniG when I click
"Webmail" in my OBM. Of course, I have selected Polish language in
settings of my OBM and MiniG URL is something like

What else should I change to be happy with Polish version of MiniG?

Below there are details about my system and OBM/MiniG version:

$ cat /etc/debian_version

$ dpkg -l obm\* |awk '{print $2"\t"$3}' |grep "^obm"
obm	2.3.7-2
obm-ca	2.3.0-1
obm-certs	2.3.7-2
obm-conf	2.3.7-2
obm-core	2.3.7-2
obm-cyrus	2.3.7-2
obm-jdk	2.3.0-2
obm-ldap	2.3.7-2
obm-locator	2.3.1-1
obm-munin-master	2.3.7-2
obm-munin-node	2.3.7-2
obm-postfix	2.3.7-2
obm-satellite	2.3.5-1
obm-services	2.3.7-2
obm-solr	2.3.7-1
obm-storage	2.3.7-2
obm-support	2.3.7-2
obm-sync	2.3.9-1
obm-tomcat	2.3.0-2
obm-ui	2.3.7-2
obm-webmail	2.3.0-2
obm-webmail-core	2.3.0-2

$ dpkg -l minig\* |awk '{print $2"\t"$3}' |grep "^minig"

My best regards,

Pawel Tecza

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