[Obm] Calendar event notification

Steve Rev nykr95 at aol.com
Thu Mar 3 16:40:13 CET 2011


Is there a configuration option to turn off OBM automatic Calendar event 
notification?  When I accept a calendar invitation from a user from 
another email system - OBM will send out a notice to all participants of 
the original calendar invite regarding the addition and the From address 
of the notice is the external originator - not from me or the system.  I 
am not sure if this is a bug or not - but can I turn it off completely?

So for example if I get an email invite from externaluser at remotesite.com 
and I accept (user at obmsite.com) - OBM will independently send a notice 
to all of the participants and the from address is 
"externaluser at remotesite.com"

 From the email the subject appears as follows:

"Subject: New event created by on OBM: Name of event"

from the source of the email:

"Message-ID: <14969509.26.1299161438570.JavaMail.root at mailserver>"



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