[Obm] probleme version 2.0.1

Johan Roussel nuxien at gmail.com
Thu May 3 14:33:08 CEST 2007


j'ai installé OBM version 2.0.1
l'install c'est bien déroulé
mais à l'execution (les statistiques, l'ajout d'un host ...) j'ai les
erreurs suivantes

*Warning*: pg_query()
Query failed: ERROR: function if(boolean, integer, integer) does not exist
in */var/www/obm-2.0.1/obminclude/phplib/db_pgsql.inc* on line *83*
*Database error:* Invalid SQL: SELECT project_name, company_name,
FORMAT(sum(if (timetask_date < '20070501', timetask_length, 0)) / 8,3) as
total_before, FORMAT(sum(if (timetask_date >= '20070501' and timetask_date
<= '20070531', timetask_length, 0)) / 8,3) as total_length,
FORMAT(sum(timetask_length) / 8,3) as total_after FROM TimeTask,
ProjectTask, Project LEFT JOIN Company ON project_company_id = company_id
WHERE timetask_date <= '20070531' AND timetask_projecttask_id =
projecttask_id AND projecttask_project_id = project_id AND timetask_user_id
in (4) GROUP BY project_id having (sum(if (timetask_date >= '20070501' and
timetask_date <= '20070531', timetask_length, 0))) != 0
*PostgreSQL Error*: 1 (ERROR: function if(boolean, integer, integer) does
not exist)

*Warning*: pg_query()
Query failed: ERROR: function if(boolean, integer, integer) does not exist
in */var/www/obm-2.0.1/obminclude/phplib/db_pgsql.inc* on line *83*
*Database error:* Invalid SQL: SELECT tasktype_label, FORMAT(sum(if
(timetask_date < '20070501', timetask_length, 0)) / 8,3) as total_before,
FORMAT(sum(if (timetask_date >= '20070501' and timetask_date <= '20070531',
timetask_length, 0)) / 8,3) as total_length, FORMAT(sum(timetask_length) /
8,3) as total_after FROM TimeTask, TaskType WHERE timetask_date <=
'20070531' AND timetask_tasktype_id = tasktype_id AND timetask_user_id in
(4) GROUP BY tasktype_id having (sum(if (timetask_date >= '20070501' and
timetask_date <= '20070531', timetask_length, 0))) != 0
*PostgreSQL Error*: 1 (ERROR: function if(boolean, integer, integer) does
not exist)

*Warning*: pg_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
resource in */var/www/obm-2.0.1/obminclude/phplib/db_pgsql.inc* on line *203

*Warning*: pg_numrows(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result
resource in */var/www/obm-2.0.1/obminclude/phplib/db_pgsql.inc* on line *203

je cherche depuis 3 jours de où peut venir le problème
mais je suis à cours d'idée

ces erreurs vous disent quelque chose?


membre APRIL (http://www.april.org)
Linux Registered User #447396
Linux From Scratch Registered User #18496
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