[Obm] Announce : OBM 0.9.0 is out !

Pierre Baudracco pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr
Mon, 9 May 2005 15:14:56 +0200

Here is the first run of the new 0.9 branch !

Many many changes : features, scalability, fixes...
A new Import module was added. The Calendar module has been reworked for
performance (many thousands of users) and to prepare for connectors (Evolution
and Outlook). Contract and Incident module were rewritten. SSO CAS support.
Many enhancements in the framework (sessions, profiles, sections, and modules)
and nearly all modules.

Chengelog extract :

2005-05-08 : version 0.9.0

    * BUG#472 : Calendar: Multi-days events OK
    * BUG#471 : Calendar: Month navigation OK
    * BUG#470 : Incident : Contract and Company assignment OK
    * BUG#469 : Incident : fixed a wrong debug sql display
    * BUG#466 : Todo : When todo disabled, todo portlet not shown anymore
    * BUG#465 : Deal : Links to Open and archived contracts from a deal
    * BUG#464 : Contract : Contract comment now timestamped
    * BUG#462 : Contract : Deal correctly set in new contract from Deal
    * BUG#460 : Contact : Removed a javascript debug alert
    * BUG#459 : Contract : Autorenewal now correctly handled
    * BUG#458 : Company : Contract links now show active and total contracts
    * BUG#457 : Incident : Contract select replaced by Contract search
    * BUG#456 : Time : Archived projects do not appear in selects
    * BUG#455 : Company : all category criteria now preserved on search
    * BUG#454 : Admin ref: Datasource references correctly checked on deletion
    * BUG#451 : Calendar: dupplicate of #338
    * BUG#450 : Calendar: Fixed updating all day events (checkbox preserved)
    * BUG#449 : List : List (normal mode) now handle Debug Id info
    * BUG#448 : List : Corrected some problems with publication infos selected
    * BUG#447 : Admin_data : sound_aka_update quote bug fixed
    * BUG#445 : Invalid bug
    * BUG#443 : Calendar : User (editor) can now delete his own events
    * BUG#441 : List : Rows count could be wrong in some circumstances
    * BUG#439 : List : SQL error when removing last criteria on a list
    * BUG#438 : Company : light search enhancement (with name alias)
    * BUG#436 : Tabs and modules contents and order now in configuration file
    * BUG#434 : Time : Month view navigation now stay in month view
    * BUG#433 : MySQL: Character set and collation paramaters for MySQL 4.1+
    * BUG#432 : Deal : Invalid bug
    * BUG#431 : Deal : Search by deal status corrected
    * BUG#428 : Deal : Archived projects now displayes from Deal
    * BUG#427 : Time : Allow to update tasks even if week fully filled
    * BUG#426 : List : performance problem when consulting some lists fixed
    * BUG#425 : List : Corrected SQL error on MySQL with ambigous country column
    * BUG#397 : Document : Document path is now correctly parsed
    * BUG#395 : Incident : better navigation when creating incidents
    * BUG#387 : Export CSV : fixes when exporting datas with ; or "
    * BUG#379 : Project : Comment field added, timestamped
    * BUG#338 : Calendar : Event creator no more in email alert recipient list
    * BUG#251 : All parameters now referenced in the doc
    * New module : Import module to import company and contact from CSV
    * Allow use of contact without company module (company becoming a field)
    * AliaSuite integration (CAS SSO support, new theme)
    * New Calendar storage model for conformance, performance and connectors...
    * Global enhancement of Contract and Incident modules
    * Calendar popup now use global OBM lang and translation (monthes, days)
    * Contact: new parameter to allow private contacts by default
    * Contact: allow search by title
    * User: new fields (phone and fax 1 and 2, description)
    * User and Group: new fields (local and external id) to ease, handle imports
    * Password storage now configurable : plain, md5 or crypt
    * New parameter : login page password encryption (true or false)
    * Group : Private group handling
    * Calendar : meeting management now can use groups
    * Calendar : Direct view of group calendar
    * Project : Allocation and Progress form now merged in the Advance Form
    * OBM : Session handling simplified and enhanced
    * OBM : New profile handling and definition. Enhanced with better genericity
    * List: Display company phone or fax if contact ones not avalaible
    * Import: Fixed search with ctu_sql_limit on
    * Import: Fixed problem with tab as field separator
    * Contact: added kind infos on result lists
    * List: added contact mobile phone on result lists
    * List: criteria on contact country check for company country if empty
    * List: new criteria on publication subscriptions (after and before)
    * Company, Contact: Copy address to clipboard.
    * User: added search by description and group
    * Incident: email alert subject display the company, and comment in msg
    * Calendar: all date handling (and links too) in ISO or timestamp format

Pierre Baudracco - Aliacom - 05 62 19 24 91 - www.aliacom.fr