[Obm] error using postgres on production

Pierre Baudracco pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr
Mon, 9 Aug 2004 00:05:03 +0200

> Hi,
> > Really usefull !
> Thanks a lot!
> > I'm using it on postgresl 7.4.3. All works fine except an error
> > entering on the production tab about a cast and others. Follow the
> > full error.
> > The one regards a missing field (project_company_id) I'll check if I
> > forget to execute some script upgrading from earlier releases.
> Well unfortunatly the modules *time management* and *documents* are
> broken in the postgres version (it work on mysql). We might correct it
> in the next version of OBM

In fact there are other glitches with obm on postgres.
But fortunately next version will correct many of these and should be out soon
(around August 16) as it progress nicely.

In the dev version, the document and invoice modules are now fully postgres
Improvment have been done for the time management module on postgres too,
as well as bug fixes on modules Contact, Project, Incident, Admin data and debug
for postgres.

So postgres support should very soon be on par with mysql one.

Pierre Baudracco - Aliacom - 05 62 19 24 91 - www.aliacom.fr