[Obm] Erreur SQL

Jacques Ja signes.admin at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 10:52:13 CEST 2009


Je suis nouveau sur la liste et je viens d'installer OBM pour l'utiliser
dans le cadre de notre association culturelles.

Pour le moment je m'en sors à peut près, mais j'ai un problème lorsque dans
le calendrier je fais une réservation avec une ressource, à l'enregistrement
de l'événement, il me sort l'erreur SQL suivante :

*Database error:* Invalid SQL: SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM UserObm u1
INNER JOIN UserEntity ON u1.userobm_id = userentity_user_id INNER JOIN
EntityRight ON userentity_entity_id = entityright_consumer_id INNER JOIN
CalendarEntity ON calendarentity_entity_id = entityright_entity_id WHERE
calendarentity_calendar_id IN () AND u1.userobm_id = '3' AND
entityright_access = 1 UNION ALL SELECT COUNT(1) as count FROM EntityRight
INNER JOIN CalendarEntity ON calendarentity_entity_id =
entityright_entity_id WHERE calendarentity_calendar_id IN () AND
entityright_consumer_id IS NULL AND entityright_access = 1 UNION ALL SELECT
COUNT(1) as count FROM UserObm u1 INNER JOIN UserEntity ON u1.userobm_id =
userentity_user_id INNER JOIN of_usergroup ON userobm_id =
of_usergroup_user_id INNER JOIN GroupEntity ON of_usergroup_group_id =
groupentity_group_id INNER JOIN EntityRight ON groupentity_entity_id =
entityright_consumer_id INNER JOIN CalendarEntity ON
calendarentity_entity_id = entityright_entity_id WHERE
calendarentity_calendar_id IN () AND u1.userobm_id = '3' AND
entityright_access = 1
MySQL Error*: 1064 (You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual
that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ') AND u1.userobm_id = '3' AND entityright_access = 1 UNION ALL SELECT
COUNT(1) ' at line 5)
Session halted.

Auriez-vous une idée ?

D'avance, merci.

La version que j'utilise est la : obm_2.2.0
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