[Obm] Being Productive

Pierre Baudracco pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr
Sun, 27 Aug 2006 21:54:26 +0200

>   Just to satisfy my curiosity, why does the login screen indicate that it's
a "demo?"

Cause we added it for the obm demo site and we have never removed it from the
cvs. We are waiting to implement templates for the login page

>    It's slower working without documentation, but I'm getting a feel for how
> the application works.
>    What is the purpose of the 'archive' checkbox?

Archive datas are not returned by default by queries. When a contact, company
has gone, often you don't want to delete it because it is referenced by deals
or other entities. So you archive it. (There may be a better english term ?)

>    When setting up for real work, is there a preferred sequence for data
> entry? For example, in the Companies table, I can ignore EU VAT and SIRET,
> but what are the Category 1, Activity, and Code used for?

Not everybidy use it in the same way.
You can put what you want in category 1 (eg: products,..), and it is easy to add
others categories (2, 3,..). Category 1 label can be updated (see the
obminclude/site/lang/en repository or create it) keeping compatibility with
generic OBM

Activity may be Education, Transport, Administration, Industry,...

> Why do I have to add companies, contacts, etc. as the administrative user?
When I log in as a user there is no menu item for 'add.'

editors can do that too.
"user", "editor" and "admin" are only default profiles.
You can define your own profiles (in obminclude/obm_conf.inc and see profile
definition in obminclude/global.inc)

Pierre Baudracco - Aliacom - 05 62 19 24 91 - www.aliacom.fr