[Obm] PhpMyAdmin info

Pierre Baudracco pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 10:34:55 +0100

> J'obtiens ce message d'erreur quand je clique sur "Affaires" dans
> "Gestion de contacts".

Ok, you have renamed the "Commercial" tab to "Gestion de contacts"

> La ligne de code qui pose pbl est
>   while ($cat_q->next_record()) {
> Je n'ai aucune affaire enregistrée. Est ce possible que cela vienne de là ?

No the problem is with deal categories.
You point to an inconsistencie in the code, now fixed.

You seems to have disabled deal categories in obm_conf.inc
$cgp_hide["deal"]["category1"] = true;

but even with this, obm tried to display the category search criteria (but
without any object returned by the bd).
This is now corrected in the devel version.

Re-enable deal category for now to prevent this error, by commenting the
previous line in obm_conf.inc.

Or replace the the category select construction where the error is by:
  // Category select construction
  if ($show_cat) {
    $sel_cat = "<select name=\"sel_cat\">
                <option value=\"$c_all\">$l_all</option>";
    while ($cat_q->next_record()) {
      //put menu titles
      $id = $cat_q->f("dealcategory_id");
      $cat_code = $cat_q->f("dealcategory_code");
      $cat_label = $cat_q->f("dealcategory_label");
      $sel_cat .= "\n<option value=\"$id\"";
      if ($cat == $id) $sel_cat .= "selected =\"selected\"";
      $sel_cat .= ">$cat_code - $cat_label</option>\n";
    $sel_cat .= "</select>";

anf add this line at the beginning of the html_deal_search_form
global $cgp_hide;

Thank you for the report

Pierre Baudracco - Aliacom - 05 62 19 24 91 - www.aliacom.fr