[Obm] todo insert problem

Doruk Fisek dfisek@fisek.com.tr
Thu, 22 Jul 2004 11:15:43 +0300


Thu, 22 Jul 2004 10:03:28 +0200 tarihinde Pierre Baudracco
<pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr> soyle yazdi:

PB> I've not seen the performance indication in the php manual.
>From php.ini-recommended :

; - magic_quotes_gpc = Off         [Performance]
;  Input data is no longer escaped with slashes so that it can be sent into
;  SQL databases without further manipulation.  Instead, you should use the
;  function addslashes() on each input element you wish to send to a
;  database

PB> All the way, I don't think this has a noticable impact if any.
PB> And this would require many changes so we don't plan to revert this
PB> behaviour.
Reasonable enough :-)


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