[Obm] todo insert problem

Doruk Fisek dfisek@fisek.com.tr
Fri, 9 Jul 2004 16:42:07 +0300


On Fri, 09 Jul 2004 15:29:37 +0200, Pierre Baudracco
<pierre.baudracco@aliacom.fr> wrote:

PB> this is strange as this works on our production server (0.8.2) and on
PB> the obm demo site which runs 0.8.2 too !
PB> have you enable php magic quotes ?
PB> in php.ini you must have :
PB> magic_quotes_gpc = On
Oops, sorry. It seems I forgot that. It works fine now.

Do you plan on using addslashes() instead in the future? In the PHP manual
it says that it is better for performance. 


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