[Obm] [BUG REPORT] & question
Thu, 19 Aug 2004 18:02:59 +0200
I'm using OBM version 8.4 on Unix system (debian).
I set httpd.conf->myvhost->OBM_INCLUDE_VAR and the
global.inc->$default_path to '/var/www/very/long/path/obm/php/'
and it runs ok except : when I try to set a document, it returns me "
Invalid path (/var/www/obm/documents/$default_path) ". [ *_* argl ]
so, I tried to found where the $document_path var' where set to fix it,
but actually I didn't succeed. [ too bad 4 me ]
To the point : In which file can I found it ?
Thank's for your answer ^_^
obviously, the quicker it is the better it'll be. ;)
- aogarasan